Modiphius Star Trek Adventures – Klingon Empire Core Book


This Star Trek Adventures core rulebook contains guidance on how to create your own Klingon-focused Star Trek stories of honor and glory on the final frontier, a complete and updated version of the Star Trek Adventures 2d20 game system, an extensive study of the Klingon Empire, including its history, culture, worlds, society, warships, technology, and more.
Guidelines for novice and experienced gamemasters on how to run Star Trek-themed adventures and campaigns of conquest and exploration for the daring crew of a Klingon warship.
A large selection of Klingon NPCs from all eras of play, as well as many antagonists, including Federation, Cardassian, Romulan, Borg, and Dominion characters and vessels.


This Star Trek Adventures core rulebook incorporates guidance on find out how to create your individual Klingon-focused Star Trek stories of honor and glory at the final frontier, an entire and up to date version of the Star Trek Adventures 2d20 game system, an extensive examine of the Klingon Empire, including its history, culture, worlds, society, warships, technology, and more.
Guidelines for novice and experienced gamemasters on find out how to run Star Trek-themed adventures and campaigns of conquest and exploration for the daring crew of a Klingon warship.
A big collection of Klingon NPCs from all eras of play, in addition to many antagonists, including Federation, Cardassian, Romulan, Borg, and Dominion characters and vessels.
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